Our management team at startup will be small yet effective. This is to reduce salary cost while we are still trying to break into the market. As production increases and sales heightens, we will fill all the necessary management positions accordingly to allow for efficiency of service delivery.
●Emediong Johnson as CEO.
●Ms. Ebob Arrey, as Purchase & Marketing Manager; she’ll handle the purchase of all raw materials and coordinate our marketing and sales. Ebob Arrey is a graduate of Environmental Biology and has a zest for business. She’s also a great people person.
●Ms. Awu Arrey; as Finance Manager. Awu Arrey is a graduate of Accounting and a Chartered accountant of the federal Republic of Nigeria. She’s very vast and knowledgeable on business accounting principles and techniques and is very goal oriented.
The management team is open to consulting external professionals for business strategies and advise when necessary. Management style will reflect the company’s value