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Activate Action Activate Action is a youth-led organization working with young people

Cover image of Activate Action, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios venture on VC4A

Mental health is a critical and neglected global health challenge for adolescents infected with HIV. Half of YPLHIV (young people living with HIV) develop one or more psychiatric disorders according to BMC Psychiatry. As practitioners are scaling up medical HIV prevention and treatment for adolescents, interventions for mental and behavioral health issues among YPLHIV are not being adequately addressed. According to the Kenya HIV stigma index, the most common causes of mental health issues in YPLHIV are stigma, self-stigma, and discrimination. As a result, many YPLHIV experience loss, grief, and hopelessness. Findings from the project (evaluation/assessment), our learnings from the project indicate that HIV-related stigma education and sensitization, mental health awareness campaigns, and enhancing the psycho-social support systems for young people living with HIV are promising solutions to address adverse mental health outcomes for young people living with HIV.

Sectores Proveedores y servicios sanitarios, Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos
Ubicación Homa Bay, Kenia
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