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Action for Protection of Animals Africa APAA

Cover image of Action for Protection of Animals Africa, Animal farming venture on VC4A

Action for Protection of Animals Africa

Action for Protection of Animals Africa

Action for Protection of Animals Africa (APAA) works through partnerships to provide technical and financial support to address animal welfare challenges in pets, livestock and wildlife. APAA focuses on veterinary public health programs, animal disaster management and wildlife conservation. We seek financial partners for our campaign to eradicate rabies by 2030 in Africa. Using the one health approach, we will vaccinate dog populations in remote communities living around wildlife zones and teach the communities dog welfare to empower them to manage their dog population numbers. We aim to create a firewall of vaccinated dogs to stop rabies from passing from dogs to wildlife, livestock and people. Together we can make rabies deaths in people and animals a thing of the past.

SectorsAnimal farming, Consulting and business development
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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