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Access Afya Primary care for the global mass market

Cover image of Access Afya, Sanidad venture on VC4A

If you live in a slum, your healthcare is unavailable, unaffordable and low-quality. Visiting a clinic can take up to 8 hours, whilst the average cost of a private clinic costs 8 times the average daily wage of low income earners, while stock outs and strikes are not uncommon in public facilities.
Access Afya solves for unavailable, unaffordable, and low-quality healthcare through a brick and clicks model. Combining rigorously lean micro-clinics and digital tools such as virtual clinics to bring comprehensive and efficient healthcare where people live. Patients pay for consultations, labwork, medication, virtual consults and coaching.We have been able to effectively lower the cost of care (to <$4 per visit) while improving quality of diagnosis and treatment.
Franchisees who are healthcare workers capture this value in our business format while leveraging the brand, central operations and it's scalable association

Sectores Sanidad
Ubicación Nairobi, Kenia
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