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Acari LLC Upcycling the invasive devil fish into delectably meaty foods.

Cover image of Acari LLC, Alimentos y bebidas venture on VC4A

Acari LLC

Acari LLC

We’re working with artisanal fishermen in Mexico to harvest and upcycle the hated, invasive «pez diablo» or devil fish into delectably meaty foods. This naughty devil is a serious problem in Mexico where it now accounts for over 70% of freshwater capture, decimating the small-scale fishing industry on which tens of thousands of fishermen depend. Today, we’re hiring these affected fishermen and turning the tide on the devil fish.

Our first product is El Diablito jerky, which because of the fish’s unique texture, tastes and feels like beef but without with any of the environmental impact associated with traditional meat farming. There are no concerns about overfishing here as each piece eaten helps restore the natural ecosystem.

In 2021 we’re launching additional product lines while scaling our fillet production in Mexico. We’re currently working on our second production facility and plan on bringing 2-3 other plants online by the end of the year.

Sectores Alimentos y bebidas, Producción alimentaria, Importación y exportación
Ubicación Berkeley, Estados Unidos
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