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AB’s Menu International We are a food processing Company

Cover image of AB's Menu International, Farm machinery venture on VC4A

AB’s Menu Catering Services International Limited, with trademark name AB’s Food Store is a Catering and Dry Foodstuff supply services company. Our Company is an incorporated Limited Liability Company that has been in business since 2009.
We provide food products that reduce time and stress in cooking and also supports a healthy life style. Our products are subjected to very high standards of quality control and assurance before they are delivered to the Customer.

We ease the life of those who are too busy to cook and also need time spent in other activities aside cooking.. The world’s system of doing things is getting simpler and less complicated and the food business is not left out. This the gap we want to fill.
Less time and less stress in putting a meal on your table!

SectorsFarm machinery, Food and beverage, Food production
Location Rivers State, Nigeria
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