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A-Trader Africa's Number One Trading Solution

Cover image of A-Trader, Artificial intelligence venture on VC4A

Millions of Africans are financially excluded, living without formal financial access or its derived benefits, and facing numerous barriers to accessing financial services. As a result many are prevented from effectively saving for and investing in their and their family’s financial futures, and their ability to increase their prosperity is severely restricted.

A-Trader provides investment mechanisms for 330M middle-class Africans, enabling them to create additional income streams, become financially stable, and build long-term financial safety nets for themselves and their families. Through an A.I.-driven platform we provide automated trading and advisory functionality, money management tools, and real-time direct access to trade and invest on Africa’s Stock Exchanges for any African citizen.

SectorsArtificial intelligence, Financial services, Investment management
LocationDar es Salaam, Tanzania
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