VC4A Venture Showcase Africa – 2023

VC4A Venture Showcase Africa – 2023

Connecting innovative startups with investors


About You

Please provide a link to your profile picture

About your venture

Please provide the full URL of your company's website

Select max 3 sectors

Please fill in the (nearest) city and country of your headquarters.

Please select all the countries you are currently targeting with your product or service

Please provide name and contact details of your company lawyer

Please list external investors who have already invested in your business

Please provide the total external funding raised in USD

How much are you looking to raise in USD?

Please provide us a brief description of your company highlighting what makes it attractive to investors

Please draft this in the 3rd person, using the words "They" instead of "We" for example.

Please give us a brief overview of which problem you are solving and how. What is innovative or unique about your solution?

Please provide a YouTube link to your most recent video pitch.

Key management roles & short background, what does each person bring to the table? What makes you special?

Describe your customer problem in 1-2 sentences

Describe your product or service in 2-3 sentences

Give some numbers to illustrate the market you are addressing, your current and expected share in the near future

1-2 sentences describing your strategy

Please describe your business model in 1-2 sentences

Give one main contact person's email address

Thank you for submitting. Please note the information provided will only be shared with interested investors from our network.