Business Development and Tech Sales Strategy We would need a mentor who guide with developing sales strategy in selling tech,someone with tech sales background and also one with vast ex…
Zambia-based EdTech Business Seeks Mentoring on Product & Business… We need support in: 1. Building a reliable team. 2. Developing the product. 3. Penetrating the Market. 4. Raising funds to efficiently and e…
Assistance to Increase Solution Uptake by Schools and Parents To help us realise what we are doing wrong, what can we do to improve the uptake of the solution by various schools. How… read more
Growth in the #EdTech sector to empower the next generation of learner… I would like a mentor who has a history in the following. 1. service sales: our offering is a learning management system targeting learning……
Digital Market Place for Agriculture inputs and Commodities The challenge faced currently is business stagnation and in some cases liabilities. The following are steps taken: 1. Agric Network Limited …
Zambian ride hailing startup looking for mentorship on raising funds, … We’re looking for a mentor who has experience working in a startup or started a startup and successfully raised funds & hired a te…