Expanding the pool of business mentors in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana VC4A is excited to announce its new Mentor-Driven Capital (MDC) program launching in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana in February 2020, with support from… read more
Looking for Experienced High-Tech Start-Up Mentor with Global Experien… We’re looking for an experienced high-tech start-up mentor, preferably with global or high level experience. Preferably someone that h…
Mentor request for Fixed Telecommunication ISP for African Market We are requesting a mentor who can help in scaling the Internet service provision model for the new market. A mentor who can guide… read mor…
Property development Te Amo is looking for a mentor who has deep working knowledge of analytics and knowledge of the marketplace especially within the property i…
Pretoria-based tech innovation company with e-hailing solution seeks s… I need guidance into insight and exposure in the startup ecosystem. I want to personally absorb information and provide feedback based on my…
South Africa-based job-seeking platform would like a mentor to help us… ejoobi’s mission is to connect all job seekers with potential employers and recruiters in Africa. We seek a mentor who can help us refine… r…