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The pandemic has significantly disrupted already fragile value chains across the country, including people’s ability to produce, process, and distribute food. The disruption to agricultural productivity and markets has a negative impact on livelihoods, especially among the most vulnerable households.
USAID/Nigeria is seeking to partner with youth-led companies (up to age 29) and mid-stage companies (i.e. those with an existing customer base of more than 1,000 people) that are already working in food production, processing, and/or distribution. USAID is requesting that these partners help farmers and other stakeholders in the food value chain increase agricultural productivity and food security within the next six months to mitigate the effect of COVID-19 on Nigeria’s food value chain. These partners may be new to USAID or may be existing partners that have a novel approach to address this crisis.
The USAID/Nigeria COVID-19 food security challenge seeks applications from eligible mid-stage and youth-led companies. The Challenge anticipates making $1.25 million available to support youth-led companies and organizations, and $1.75 million available to support mid-stage companies. The Challenge will also offer technical assistance and business support through a multi-day workshop for all awardees.
Please review the USAID/Nigeria COVID-19 Food Security Challenge Request for Applications for a complete timeline.