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Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agriculture Market Systems
USAID/Mozambique’s “Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agriculture Market Systems” (Premier) is a five-year activity that will support the goals and objectives of Feed the Future (FTF), the U.S. Government’s initiative to reduce poverty, fight hunger, increase smallholder.
The Premier activity will achieve this by promoting inclusive and resilient agriculture-led growth along the broader Nacala corridor of northern Mozambique, applying a market systems approach. A systems approach recognizes the inter-connections between markets (focusing on local, regional, and international food systems), the household and community, the natural environment, and the underlying political economy of the market system. It aims to stimulate systemic change by addressing the root causes of poor system performance, targeting leverage points for catalytic change and working through market actors to facilitate technical and financial assistance to broaden and deepen market engagement, thus increasing incomes and creating employment.
The Mozambique Agriculture (AG) Portfolio aims to support broad-based economic growth in key areas targeted by USAID’s programs by increasing the productivity and profitability of agriculture and agribusinesses; promoting inclusive economic growth and regional and global trade; improving nutrition and food security outcomes for target populations; improving employment opportunities for youth and women; promoting private investments and investment in nature-based tourism; improving community-based coastal resources management; and strengthening the ability of communities to withstand and bounce back from shocks and stresses.
The geographic locations targeted under the project include the provinces of Zambézia, Nampula, and the Nacala Corridor, which is located primarily in Nampula Province.
Eligibility for this RFA is not restricted. This activity will be a full and open competition.
There will be No Cost Share required for the activity, rather it will have Leverage from private partners.
The Premier Activity will have a significant sub-award and sub-grants component that will leverage private sector investment to contribute to achieving the objective of support to local entities through sub-grants to private sector partners to scale up innovations; pilot and scale innovative business models, technology solutions, and product development. Private sector partners would be required to invest at least 30% of the total investment done by USAID for each sub-grantee and could be cash or in-kind. This is the amount to be accounted for as leverage by the applicant.
Estimate of Funds Available and Number of Awards Contemplated USAID intends to award a single Cooperative Agreement pursuant to this notice of funding opportunity/RFA. Subject to funding availability and at the discretion of the Agency, USAID intends to provide in total USAID funding over a (five) 5- year period. Out of this total,$5M will be reserved for the Crisis Modifier to be programmed for unforeseen crisis/shocks (funds to be provided when and if need be). Actual funding amounts are subject to availability of funds.
Start Date and Period of Performance for Federal Awards The anticipated period of performance is 5 (five) years. The estimated start date will be upon the signature of the award, on or about, or other effective date determined by the Agreement Officer.
Please find all necessary documents for your application here