Action Track 5 Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Resilient Value Chains


New risks are emerging in the already complex food systems, as evidenced by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to rising inequalities and unprecedented impacts on the most vulnerable.

In addition, many other challenges, including changing climate, conflict, instability, pandemics, economic shocks, require solutions to build  greater resilience within the current food system from production to consumption. To address this, Action Track 5  (AT5) – building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses – is proposing actions to ensure that food systems  can maintain functionality, recover from the effects of harmful events, and improve to a better-off state.

The first round of potential game-changing propositions consolidated by AT5 was based on more than 167 ideas  submitted by civil society, member states, UN agencies, farmers and youth; in the second phase, we are now reviewing  more than 277 proposals. The propositions are envisaged as a set of voluntary initiatives which government and multi stakeholders can join to foster collaboration, partnership building, and technical cooperation for the transformation of food systems. All stakeholders have role to play to transform food and agriculture value chains, and build climate resilient pathways, while ensuring that local farmers benefit from this transformation for their livelihoods and access to  food.

Objectives of this dialogue:

  • Provide a space of high trust among key stakeholders involved in building resilience across value chains, • Identify key solutions, opportunities, challenges and areas of collaboration to unlock a positive and systemic change,
  • Align public and private interests to build public-private partnerships to champion food system resilience, • Build larger multi stakeholder coalitions with the Summit being a springboard for implementation.

To confirm your attendance and receive a calendar invitation, please write, by June 9th,  to: (Mimansha) who will help us manage the list of participants.

Kindly note that we may need to limit the space to be able to curate the dialogues, and we encourage you to register  as soon as possible.

We very much look forward to connecting with you on the day.

Passcode 784356.


Jun 11, 2021 (15:00-16:30)
OrganizerUN Food Systems Summit
Location Online
Africa, Antarctica Region, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Europe, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Northern America, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela
Agribusiness, Agritech, Animal farming, Crop farming, EdTech, Farm machinery, Fish farming, HealthTech
