Twende Hub

We empower people to design and make their own technologies to solve challenges

We believe collaborating with students and community members in Tanzania to identify their challenges and design & create their own solutions to their problems will contribute to a world with improved access to technologies that improve people’s lives, a stronger local economy, and a nation of innovators and problem-solvers.

Many of the technologies that make their way here are designed and manufactured abroad, leaving Tanzanians unable to repair their devices, especially when materials are not locally available. They are developed without a rich understanding of local needs and resources, often making them irrelevant or impractical. For example, any technology that requires electricity is useless for the 80+% of Tanzanian villagers who do not have access to or cannot afford electricity. This leads to technologies that do not address the real needs here. Hence, we teach people how to create technologies that address their own needs and utilize the locally available materials which are inexpensive, affordable and are able to be repaired locally.

Twende Hub

Twende Hub


Website Visit website
Location Arusha, Tanzania
Targets Tanzania
Sectors Sector agnostic

