
Abubakar Shehu Idris
Driven by a relentless curiosity, I am passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex problems. Throughout my career, I have consistently del…
Narayan Kulkarni
I have supported dozens of current and aspiring changemakers and founders around the world to create innovative and socially impactful solutions suppo…
Claudia Ngowa Kalasi
Independent consultant in entrepreneurship, livelihoods, Personal development coach (individual and team coach) Expert in community development Exper…
Abi Odedeyi
I am a Fintech Consultant with, a fintech consulting firm where I provide strategic guidance and business solutions to financial institutio…
Sayed Eltaweel
Mentoring gives me the opportunity to help and support many entrepreneurs in starting and growing their businesses and I love to be part of every star…
Marwa Emara
I am Marwa Emara ,CEO of Technospace company for software.I established my company from 2016 as a software house and technological company. I believe…
Apolline Keou
I am an industrial engineer of ENSAI of Ngaoundéré-Cameroon. I also hold an IE-MBA in Management and also certified in Leadership and strategic of Sc…
Nir Hermelin
I’m a London Business School MBA Alumni & B.Sc Electronic Engineering, with 15+ years in Strategy, Marketing, Product, Business Development and Di…
Pablo Murunga
I used to get flustered when this question was posed to me. I realize now that I struggled with that question because I didn’t know who I was… or ev…