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Ideas to Transform the Lives of Billions
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights how countries with platforms (such as digital ID systems, digital payment systems, and integrated social protection information ecosystems) are able to quickly scale up existing or introduce new social protection programs. In particular, countries with such assets have been able to efficiently make emergency cash transfers to vulnerable groups – such as women and girls, the poor, informal workers, migrant workers, people living in remote areas, and refugees.
The Mission Billion Challenge seeks solutions to how countries can increase their efforts to further support these groups – who often lack smartphones, computers and broadband internet access – so they can access services and cash transfers with minimal health risks.
The Mission Billion Challenge is seeking solutions to ensure the inclusivity of ID systems for vulnerable groups while taking into account the social distancing measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to address these specific needs:
– How can countries ensure that everyone – especially vulnerable groups – are able to apply/register for an ID in a way that protects people’s health and the integrity of the ID system?
– How can countries ensure that digital authentication mechanisms in low connectivity environments are accessible and user-friendly for vulnerable populations to facilitate remote access to services and benefits?
The World Bank’s Mission Billion Challenge is seeking solutions that address gender equality and inclusion of vulnerable populations by putting all people at the heart of identification systems.
The 2020 Mission Billion Challenge offers a Global Prize and a West Africa Prize for solutions that ensure the inclusivity of ID systems for vulnerable groups, particularly during physical distancing requirements.
The Challenge is open to contestants from member countries of the World Bank. Contestants may be individuals or organizations (profit, non-profit organizations, academic). Contestants are responsible for compliance with legal requirements of their country.
A) Individuals must be of at least 18 years of age at time of entry. Individuals may form teams and submit entries on behalf of teams. Individuals who join teams must meet the eligibility requirements for Individual Contestants.
B) Organizations must be legally established entities (profit, non-profit, academic) in their respective countries.
C) Staff, contractors and vendors of the World Bank Group (The World Bank Group consists of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, the International Finance Corporation, the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes.), the members of the Evaluation and Finalist Judging Panel or any company or individual involved with the design, production, execution or distribution of the Challenge and their immediate family members (spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew) are not eligible to join the Challenge.
D) Sovereign and sub-sovereign agencies, and intergovernmental agencies are eligible to submit solutions to the Challenge and will be judged along with all of other submissions. However, these agencies are not eligible to receive cash prizes if they are selected as a winning solution.
E) Contestants who are ineligible to receive Bank funds under the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, procurement rules, and other rules such as on anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism are ineligible to receive cash or any prize under this Challenge.
MAY 27, 2020 – Mission Billion Challenge Opens
AUGUST 14, 2020 – Deadline to Submit a Solution
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 – Finalists Announced
OCTOBER 16-18, 2020 – Pitch Event during Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (or alternative)