Enabling Early Stage Infrastructure Investing

An Ecosystem Roundtable focused on the Early Stage Infrastructure Investing

The Enabling Early Stage Infrastructure Investing (EESII) is an Ecosystem Roundtable focused on the Opportunities, Issues and Constraints affecting Early Stage Investments in Large Scale Projects in Africa

Rationale for EESII

Its estimated that Africa’s annual infrastructure investments needs are $108 billion per year, far beyond the reach of public sector financing alone.

With such significant investment needs, the role of the private sector in helping to close the financing gap is well established. However, the lack of a strong pipeline of well-prepared, bankable projects is widely recognized as one of the key constraints to unlocking private sector finance for infrastructure development in Africa.

Enabling Early Stage Infrastructure Investing (EESII) was curated as an Ecosystem Roundtable focused on catalyzing and accelerating  Early Stage Investments in Infrastructure Projects in Africa. It would hold as a quarterly roundtable session.

Get Involved

  • Participate as a Delegate
    By participating as a delegate in the Enabling Infrastructure Forum, you will meet and exchange with infrastructure industry peers that are relevant to your company.
    Networking breaks during the days of the event always aim at creating meeting points during the conference to give you enough time to network in between the conference sessions.
  • Be a Speaker
    The Enabling Infrastructure Forum is a platform to project your leadership thoughts for infrastructure in Africa.
    If you would like to make a speech, kindly send us your biography and expertise, to help us define together which conference topics your experience would fit.
  • Become a Sponsor
    There are a variety of sponsorship packages available. There is no doubt that sponsoring our event will ensure that your company makes a real, long-lasting and memorable impact.
    This include positioning your business to maximising your exposure, reaching your target audience, and speaking during the conference.
  • Secure a Display Area
    At the Enabling Infrastructure Forum, you will have the opportunity to also showcase your products and services by securing a display area. This area will be adjacent to the conference room.
    Don’t miss the chance to increase your visibility at the event; the display area will help you get new clients!


Organizer The African Catalyst
Website Visit website
Location Hybrid | Lagos
Lagos, Nigeria
Africa, Americas, Antarctica Region, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Micronesia
Sectors Agribusiness, Clean technology and energy, Transport and logistics
SDG (16)
1. No Poverty, 10. Reduced Inequality, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 13. Climate Action, 15. Life on Land, 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 2. Zero Hunger, 3. Good Health and Well-being, 4. Quality Education, 5. Gender Equality, 6. Clean Water and Sanitation, 7. Affordable and Clean Energy, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
