TC Townhall Renewable Energy

The Future of Africa's Energy

The Future of Africa’s Energy


One in three Africans today do not have access to electricity. About 87% of those without electricity live in rural areas. A large number of people who are connected find that it is unreliable and many who lack access depend on kerosene lamps, generator kiosk and battery-powered torches for their energy needs. The lack of energy access is costing African economies about $60.52 billion, which constitutes 4% of its GDP. Electricity can increase household per capita income by 39 percent, therefore plugging the energy deficit offers a huge opportunity for economic transformation.

Many argue that renewable energy, specifically distributed energy systems, presents the strongest proposition of connecting the over 600 million sub-saharan Africans that lack electricity. Distributed energy systems such as solar home systems and mini-grids provide an opportunity for Africa to leapfrog its energy challenges and connect the last mile. Doing this will benefit several industries such as healthcare where darkness plagues hospitals and clinics. Agriculture will also enjoy significant benefits with improvement in production and storage. Globally, at least 4.5 million jobs could be created by the off-grid value chain by 2030. Africa will be home to 80 percent of the world’s off-the-grid population by 2030.

On the 11th of July, Techcabal is convening African governments, regulators, investors, development agencies, multinationals and entrepreneurs to discuss The Future of Africa’s Energy. We will be attempting to answer the question “How do we quickly build a modern energy infrastructure that is affordable and provides last-mile access using abundant renewable energy resources in a friendly policy environment?”


  • Renewable energy startups including founders and team members.
  • Multinationals including CEOs, senior managers and staff members of various levels.
  • Investors with renewable energy portfolio companies or considering the sector.
  • Policymakers including ministers, commissioners and public service employees at various levels.
  • Development agencies including directors, senior managers, volunteers and staff members at various levels.
  • Business service providers including law firms, finance and tax consultants, management consultants and various businesses looking to engage renewable energy stakeholders.


Coming soon – stay tuned


09:30 – 10:00 Breakfast and pre-event networking. Workshops.
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome
10:10 – 10:20 Keynote presentation
10:20 – 11:15 5-talk interactive lightning round
11:15 – 11:40 Theme panel session
11:40 – 11:55 Panel Q&A
11:55 – 12:25 3-talk interactive lightning round
12:25 – 13:15 Campfire session
13:15 – 13:25 Closing remarks
13:25 – 13:55 Workshop sessions & networking.


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Jul 11, 2019 (9:30-14:00)
Organizer TechCabal
Website Visit website
Location Zone Tech Park, Plot 9 Gbagada Industrial Scheme
Lagos, Nigeria
Targets Africa
Clean technology and energy, Consulting and business development, Financial services, Legal services, Renewable energy
