What is CODIGOS?
CODIGOS is an initiative of T-Systems, with the support of important companies of information and digital technologies, that seeks to identify, strengthen and promote enterprises with social objectives and technological base that are creating solutions for a new, more digital and inclusive reality for all Mexicans.
CODES 2021 seeks to connect new technologies with old problems and shortcomings, and to create digital solutions that contribute to advancing towards a more inclusive society, thus helping to diminish the social and economic gaps in Mexico. CODES arises in the face of the severe consequences that the COVID-19 pandemic has generated around the world, and where, in Mexico alone, the economic and social impacts are enormous.
Social entrepreneurship is able to solve problems differently, creatively and innovatively. Social enterprises are the best alternative to enhance and scale the positive impact they generate and thus transform the lives of thousands of people.
What are we looking for?
Entrepreneurs in Mexico looking to boost their social impact startups that meet the following criteria:
- Al menos dos integrantes de tiempo completo
- Disposición para retribuir al ecosistema
- Motivación, compromise y persistencia
- REceptivo, con alta capacidad de aprendizaje y dispuesto a dar retroalimentación
Modelo de negocio:
- Base digital o de tecnologías de informacíon
- Producto mínimo viable
- Legalmente constituido
- Operaciones en México
- Componente de innovación
- Impacto social como base del model de negocio
- Población objetivo: poblaciones vulnerable y marginadas de México
- Sectores sugeridados:
- Salud
- Empleo
- Educación
- Inclusión financiera
- Modelo con base deigital o de tecnlogías de información
- Desarrollos en código abierto serán bienvenidos
- Habilitador de un otencial de impacto a gran escala
Selection Process
- 1era etapa: formulario y video sobre información clave de tu modelo de negocio, tecnología e impacto social
- 2da etaoa: Entrevista con el equipo de Códigos 2021 para conocerte mejor y a tu emprendimiento
- 3era etaoa: Selection day – Presentación de finaliastas ante el Comité de Selección formado por directorios de T-Systems y sus aliados. Se seleccionarás a los emprendedores ganadores y para participar en le programa de aceleración.
What will the winners receive?
The 2021 CODE winners will receive strategic support-mentorship-for their Start Ups by directors of T-Systems, their allies and sponsors, including the participation of lawyers, accountants, information technology experts and communicators. Since CODIGOS 2020 we have created a community that provides the know-how and the know-who to those who seek to strengthen their business, find new alliances, discover new horizons, find more and better pipeline and even opportunities for financing. Discover this and more to come in the constellation of CODES.
What are the key dates?
- Convocation: April 28 to June 18, 2021.
- Publishing winners: July 21, 2021.
- Mentoring program: August to November 2021.
Program dates | Aug 2 - Nov 30, 2021 |
Organizer | T-Systems |
Website | Visit website |
Targets | Mexico |
Sectors | Sector agnostic |