Pwani Innovation Week

Stimulating the innovation ecosystem in the Pwani Region

Pwani Innovation Week is a consolidated effort by Swahilipot Hub and it’s partners to help create a widespread culture of innovation in the coastal counties of Kenya. Scheduled for December 3 – 7, 2018 in Mombasa.

The event is aimed at stimulating the Innovation ecosystem in the Pwani region. The Pwani Region consists of 6 counties:

  • Mombasa
  • Kwale
  • Kilifi
  • Lamu
  • Tana River
  • Taita Taveta

Central to Pwani Innovation Week is the development and launch of a Pwani Innovation Strategy. This initiative signals our intent to build an innovation ecosystem focused on creating and supporting new businesses and developing value chains across key sectors in the Pwani Region.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Who Should Attend

Pwani Innovation week is designed for innovators looking to showcase products, services and operations that will create sustainable economic development. The event will create a shared platform for innovators, investors and other stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem to understand, demonstrate and articulate their ideas, needs and solutions. Attendees will be able to ask questions, critique and invest in different innovations showcased. The weeklong event will be open to government entities, academia, students, startups, trainers & consultants, corporate developers, leaders, managers and investors.

The Concept

Various activities will take place in each county touching upon different themes such as exhibition showcases of innovative products and services, the launch of new regional initiatives, hackathons and competitions, interactive programs such as labs and workshops, engaging talk sessions, fun evening activities in public places, and many more.


1. To stimulate the Innovation Ecosystem in the Pwani region

2. To develop the Pwani Innovation Strategy

3. To showcase and celebrate innovative products and services

Theme: Meeting Future Aspirations Innovation catalyzes the aspirations of individuals, private institutions and governments to achieve development by generating creative ideas and introducing new products, services and operations that improve the overall quality of life.


Dec 3-Dec 7, 2018 - 23:00
Organizer Swahilipot Hub
Website Visit website
Mombasa, Kenya
Targets Kenya
Sectors Sector agnostic