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Latin America has been marked by complex situations that have affected the well-being of its communities. The efforts and initiatives developed by different organizations and leaders in the region are not enough, even many have deepened in recent years.
The Sustainable Development Goals were established as a common commitment to address the most serious ones such as poverty, hunger or precarious conditions of employment. Today thousands of public and private initiatives are aligned with these purposes and have achieved important results. However, more than a year of pandemic by COVID 19 has put these advances and adds new challenges for humanity.
The technological advances that enabled the emergence of new business models and shaped the digital economy have demonstrated their potential to find innovative and efficient solutions to old challenges. From cloud computing to artificial intelligence, from the blockchain to the internet of things, the possibilities of these emerging technologies are staggering. The innovative use of these digital tools can create an infinite number of opportunities to overcome and resume work to improve the quality of life of thousands in the region.
That’s why SAP and Socialab are rejoining in this new version of Social Innomarathon that, through open innovation, challenges Latin American enterprises to mitigate poverty, eradicate hunger and ensure quality education, decent work and sustainable economic growth for their communities. Initiatives based on business models with high impact potential, using digital tools based technology and data management in an innovative way for generating positive impact on hundreds of people.
Who can participate
Embraces like yours! with the potential to offer their products or services to other companies and to have their business model use digital tools and/or data management in an innovative way, to solve situations that suffer their communities related to poverty, hunger, quality education, decent employment and sustainable economic growth.
If you meet these requirements, do not hesitate to participate:
* Sales must have started November 11, 2020 or earlier.
Why participate?
If you are one of the 12 finalists:
-You will participate in the Social Summit of Social Innomarathon.
-For 7 weeks you will have the accompaniment of an advisor (a) and a mentor (a) custom for you to work is a specific area of your enterprise.
If your startup is the winner you will receive:
Business model that generates social, environmental and economic impact.
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