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While we feel that today is a crisis of selfishness, lack of empathy and love, we also know that on the side there are many social entrepreneurs who at least 10 years ago are seeing how to solve the challenges of Chile and the world.
This is an invitation to write this great blank page that we have in front. To understand that we create, we contribute, we undertake and we build a better country.
We know that “we” are the government, but also are the entrepreneurs and social innovators who have detected the problems that Chileans continue to manifest in the streets of the country, and that is to solve those problems for which they are working every day.
This is an invitation for social entrepreneurs who are already impacting the country’s challenges to make visible their solution, sharing what problem they solve, in which regions operate, how they can contact them and how many people are positively impacting. We want to see them, we want the Chileans to see them, we want more people to benefit from their solutions, we want to value the entrepreneurs and innovators who are able to be a contribution to the challenges of the country, we want to have them as society.
This is an invitation to share your solution, so that others see it, use it and share it. For us to understand that just as there are many problems, there are also many solutions.
Upload your product or your service, and tell us how you can be a contribution to solving the problems that the citizenry today manifests, from the contingency, but also, from the depth!
To build a new social pact we need all, we need varied, simultaneous leadership, capable of, after diverger, converge in construction. There are measures in the short, medium and long term that all actors can take, in different times, the important thing is not to paralyze us, to start with something. Whatever it is, if it is built with empathy, in co-creation and collaboration, it has already started with the right foot.
We are a diverse organization, with different stances and visions, but we know that more than agreeing, it is necessary to be united in this energy that must be transformative.