Water Innovation Challenge Ghana

Join our open innovation challenge and secure seed funding

Join the UNDP – SDG Philanthropy Platform Innovation Challenge in Accra, Ghana, and Showcase Your Innovative Solution to Universal Safe, Affordable Water in Ghana


The SDG Philanthropy Platform Ghana invites you – NGO’s, community-based organizations, entrepreneurs, social enterprises, individuals, academics, and businesses, to Apply for the Innovation Challenge to source and award the most promising innovations to universal safe, affordable water in Ghana.

A Catalytic Fund will be distributed to support three to four competitively-selected water sector solutions, with grants of up to US40,000. The Platform will then work with winners to develop M&E mechanisms and reporting.

 We invite innovators to submit your proposal by May 12th, targeting one or several of the following challenges on the theme of clean water, to Karina Grosheva at karina.grosheva@undp.org, and Pearl Darko at pearl.darko@one.un.org.

Challenge 1 – A challenge to find demand-driven business models for accountably-managed systems to deliver affordable, safe water, effectively challenging community perceptions of free water services.

Challenge 2 – A challenge to create an adaptable participatory model to standardize water system quality control in rural, peri-urban and small towns in Ghana. 

Challenge 3 – A challenge to identify schemes to provide reliable safe water access to the most vulnerable households in every community.

 For Application Details, visit http://sdgfunders.org/blog/innovation-challenge-ghana/lang/en/


May 12, 2017
Program dates Apr 26-May 13, 2017
Organizer SDG Philanthropy Platform
Website Visit website
Targets Ghana
Sectors Water, sanitation and hygiene
