Winetech Pitching Den

Pitch your start-up business to a panel of well-rounded judges


We formally invite applicants to participate in the Winetech Pitching Den Competition – the finalists of which will be showcased at the Innovation Summit 2019, to be held in Cape Town.

Winetech and the Innovation Summit are looking for innovators and disruptors – providing unique solutions and products which can be commercialized, to wine producers and the agri-tech industries.

The finalists of the competition will go through to the Innovation Summit Pitching Den finals in Cape Town – where they could receive investment opportunities in the form of venture capital or other funding and will be provided with linkages to market – allowing them to transfer their innovation to the over 650 producers of wine in the country. Further to that, the winner will also be provided with business and entrepreneurial incubation and acceleration to fast-track them and the growth of their product.


Producer Profitability and Environmental Sustainability

  • There is increasing pressure from consumers to buy products that are produced responsibly. We are seeking disruptive, innovative, cost-effective and practical solutions for reducing our impact on the environment.
  • It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain growth and profitability with regards to Net Farming Income due to various factors including fluctuating climatological conditions, increased minimum wages and fuel and water costs, among others.
  • In these harsh economic climates, the industry is looking at pioneering, and innovative ways for rethinking production methods which can ultimately lead to stable growth and increased profit margins for small and large industry participants.
  • We are looking for technologies that help shift increased profitability to the over 66 % of South African wineries that are currently making a loss while operating.
  • Besides introducing higher price points due to global shortages of wine production – how can South African start-ups lead the way in new and novel approaches that can help take the industry forward?


  • Climate Change: Innovations that are forward-thinking and adaptive, effectively helping producers mitigate the challenges of climate change.
  • Water: Water is one of the defining issues of our time, and certainly so with regards to agriculture whereby the increasingly limited water supplies we are facing is teaching us to value water more. The industry faces challenges such as drought, frost and hail damage and methods of more effectively using water and waste-water.
  • Breeding (Genetics): How can we respond to climate change, limited water supply, the impact of pests and other challenges through plant breeding?Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Industries across the planet are undergoing what many refer to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We welcome innovations that integrate the physical and digital worlds.
  • Other: An open call for innovations and technologies that help increase producer efficiency and/or profitability in the wine industry as well as solutions that help the industry and producers to be more environmentally sustainable and have minimal impact on the environment.

CLICK HERE for more info


June 9, 2019
Program dates Sep 12, 2019: 0:00
OrganizerSA Innovation Summit
Website Visit website
Targets Africa
Environmental services, Artificial intelligence, Big data, Clean technology, Clean technology and energy, Community water systems, EdTech, Green transportation and electric motors, HealthTech, Machine learning, Solar power, Water storage, Water treatment, Water utilities