RISE (Ressources, Investissement, Soutien, Expansion) is an initiative of the Government of the Republic of Benin, supported by the World Bank and designed to support SMEs facing difficulties in financing services and the acquisition of intangible assets as part of their expansion strategy. Financial support is not intended to finance marketable assets such as equipment.
The RISE project supports the growth and resilience of SMEs by facilitating access to financing and personalized technical assistance. By building up a pool of sustainable businesses, the project helps to create sustainable jobs and strengthen economic and social inclusion throughout the region.
RISE is aimed at SMEs in productive sectors such as agro-industry, services to the agro-industrial sector, light industry, high value-added services and services/industry for a sustainable city, as well as SMEs in the creative and cultural industries (fashion, textiles, audiovisual production, etc.).
Female applicants are encouraged!