Pitched Nigeria

Providing support to startups


Are you an entrepreneur in Nigeria? Win up to $10,000 USD of equity-free grant money. Apply now to progress faster through the application stages.


Get exposure to potential partners, investors, customers, employers, and mentors.


Applicants who make it to the Video Application round will receive feedback to help ready them for pitch Day. Participants at Pitch Day receive feedback from the judges and audience members.


Competition spurs growth and innovation. thus pushing your company. Couple this with the rigorous selection criteria and you have a boost to your business.

Pitched Nigeria Application Stages

TIP: Apply now to advance through application stages

Step 1: Preliminary Application
Introduce your business.
Materials Available After Completing Step 1.

Step 2: Team-Market Fit
Prove your potential to us.

Step 3: Video Application
Demonstrate that you could do a good job on stage at Pitch Day.

Step 4: Pitch Days
Convince the judges that you would put the money to good use.
Nigeria: December 8th

CLICK HERE for more info


November 1, 2018
Program dates Dec 8, 2018: 0:00
Website Visit website
Targets Nigeria
Sectors Sector agnostic
