RDC – Concours de Plans d’Affaires – Jeunes entrepreneurs – Dépôt des candidatures finales

Une initiative lancée par le PADMPME pour soutenir l’entrepreneuriat Congolais

For the attention of shortlisted young entrepreneurs

At the end of the first phase of the COPA of young entrepreneurs which took place on April 30, 2021, the 1,550 shortlisted candidates participated in a series of boot camps organized during the months of July and August 2021 and benefited from the tools and methods allowing them to deepen their project and their business plan for the second phase of the competition, in this case, the selection of the winners.

Thus, we have the honor to announce that the submission of final candidacy files is now open from Thursday, September 2 until Friday, September 17 at 11:59 p.m. (Kinshasa time).


September 19, 2021
Program dates Sep 3-Nov 2, 2021
Organizer PADMPME
Targets Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Sectors Agribusiness, Business services, Manufacturing
