RDC – Concours de Plans d’Affaires – Jeunes entrepreneurs

Une initiative lancée par le PADMPME pour soutenir l’entrepreneuriat Congolais

Are you a passionate young entrepreneur? Do you operate in a productive and growth-promoting sector? Is your activity located in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Goma or Matadi?

Apply to COPA in order to benefit from personalized support and obtain a grant allowing you to invest and create jobs. The Business Plan Competition (COPA) is an initiative of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the World Bank to support Congolese entrepreneurship and support the emergence of a new generation of entrepreneurs in the country. Faced with the many obstacles hampering the development of Congolese entrepreneurship (limited access to formal financing and business opportunities, lack of qualified labor, etc.), the COPAs aim to support the growth and performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) through a combination of technical and financial support.

RDC – Concours de Plans d’Affaires – Jeunes entrepreneurs

RDC – Concours de Plans d’Affaires – Jeunes entrepreneurs


March 31, 2021
Program dates Feb 15, 2021-Jul 31, 2022
Organizer PADMPME
Targets Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Sectors Agribusiness, Business services, Manufacturing
