Entrepreneurs are of course looking ahead, across borders and beyond short-term solutions. This is why sustainable entrepreneurship is high on the agenda. Entrepreneurs want to translate this intention into a visible commitment. To illustrate this global vision particular projects in the developing world can be considered. Projects which visibly restore the imbalance between the North and the South.
Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs is a unique network of companies interested in cooperation and development.
Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs bring Corporate Social Responsibility within the reach of each enterprise by supporting existing projects, stimulating local entrepreneurs in the South.
The company is ensured that the company’s investment contributes to effective development in the South.
- Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs is a non-profit organization that helps people in the South to help themselves.
- Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs has no doubt that people in the South can free themselves from their troubles if there are ample economic opportunities available locally.
- We develop these economic activities in a socially responsible way and with respect for all those involved.
- Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs motivates businesses throughout Belgium to participate in the expansion of this form of economic development in the South.
- Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs is results-oriented and completely neutral towards any religious convictions, political affiliation or race.
Site Web | Visitez le site Web |
Emplacement | Belgium |
Cibles | Afrique, Amérique du Nord, Antigua Et Barbuda, Argentine, Asie, Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande, Bahamas, Barbade, Belize, Bolivie, Brésil, Chili, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominique, Europe, Fidji, Grenade, Guatemala, Guyana, Haïti, Honduras, Jamaïque, Kiribati, Mexique, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palaos, Panama, Papouasie-Nouvelle Guinée, Paraguay, Pérou, Région Antarctique, République Dominicaine, Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Sainte-Lucie, Salvador, Samoa, Surinam, Tonga, Trinidad Et Tobago, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vénézuéla, Équateur, États Fédérés De Micronésie, Îles Salomon |
Secteurs | Tous secteurs |
- Evénement passé
2021 Kampala Impact Day
Par Ondernemers voor Ondernemers (OVO)