Startups Pitching Event at NES #24

Connecting Nigerian ventures with potential investors

The Startups Pitching Event at NES #24 on October 21 aims to connect new Nigerian ventures seeking to raise funds with potential investors. Eight selected early-stage startups that are registered in Nigeria and have been doing business for no more than 5 years will be invited to pitch in front of venture capitalists and investors. 

Each start-up will have 5 minutes to pitch to prospective investors and 10 minutes to answer questions from them. It is expected that the Session will also connect the eight start-ups with venture capitalists and investors.

The Event will be strictly on invitation and shall not be open to all Summit participants.

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) organizes the Annual Nigerian Economic Summit in partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning. It has become an annual dialogue and indeed the flagship event of NESG and the Federal Government that has provided a credible and widely recognized platform for top policy makers and corporate leaders.

Last year, the NESG introduced a Start-ups Pitching Event as part of the Annual Nigerian Economic Summit. Many start-up entrepreneurs struggle to get the funds they need to grow their business and, in some cases, even require mentorship, professional advisory services, etc. Innovators and entrepreneurs from all over Nigeria would have an opportunity to pitch their start-ups and this is a platform for such businesses to collaborate and interact with individuals and organizations interested in promoting entrepreneurship and an opportunity to pitch to experienced investors and obtain great feedback and possibly capital.

New ventures with innovative ideas will be the direct beneficiaries of this event, as they will showcase their businesses before investors and have access to investment opportunities. They will also be able to receive guidance and business opinions from them during the event which will also greatly enhance their capacities to grow. In addition, they will get more visible brand effect from this platform.
For the prospective investors, it will be an opportunity to identify and invest in new ventures that are early stage and that align with their own investment strategy.

Applications will be open to businesses:
1. Registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and doing business for no more than five (5) years; and
2. Engaged in any sector of the economy (agriculture,education, health, ICT, manufacturing, renewable energy and transport, etc.)

Application Requirements
1. CAC Certificate of Incorporation
2. Summary Business Plan (not more than 3 pages)
3. Pitch Deck


Sterling Bank
Ventures Platform


Sterling Bank
Ventures Platform


September 6, 2018
Program dates Oct 21, 2018 (0:00)
Organizer Nigerian Economic Summit Group
Targets Nigeria
Agribusiness, Creative, media and entertainment, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, Leisure and travel, Transport and logistics, Water, sanitation and hygiene



Name Country Sector(s)
Gerocare Solutions Ltd
Providing access to medical care for underserved segments of people
Nigeria Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services
Solar-powered cold storage for developing countries
Nigeria Agribusiness, Clean technology, Clean technology a…
United Bamboo & Plastic Co.
We are the largest toothpicks packaging company in Nigeria by revenue, output volume & installed capacity
Nigeria Manufacturing
