
Reinventing solutions for the field

Siembra is an acceleration program focused on agribusiness that begins its second edition in 2022. We are looking for early-stage ventures that bring innovative solutions to the field and help improve the quality of life of farmers. If your venture contributes to the development of farmers and their communities, we are looking for you! We are interested in supporting digitalization projects, training, technological tools, projects with a gender perspective, financial inclusion and sustainable products that promote fair trade oriented to the field.

To apply, fill out the form that you can find on this page and send us a video with the characteristics that we tell you below. As part of the program, you will have access to a Bootcamp along with 50 projects with workshops on relevant topics such as finance, business model, marketing, sales, impact, as well as networking and inspiration sessions. Subsequently, there will be a specialized accompaniment process for 10 ventures during 4 months of personalized mentoring, extra resources and sessions with the innovation team. The projects with the greatest impact and scalability potential will have access to funding through Viwala. Finally, all selected projects will become part of Colectiva NV and will have access to the benefits of our alumni network.

This program is developed by New Ventures Mexico, through support from Bayer.

Take a look at the criteria

How to make your video

More information:
Francisco Lizcano


August 1, 2022
Program dates Jun 10-Jul 31, 2024
Organizer New Ventures
Targets Mexico
Sectors Agribusiness
SDG (5)
1. No Poverty, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 5. Gender Equality, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

