Fondo NESsT

Summer Call


About the Fund

  • Offers competitive interest rates and deadlines that are more patient and flexible than traditional capital sources, enabling entrepreneurs to accelerate their growth in a sustainable way.
  • Entrepreneurs receiving loans from the Fund will also be able to receive technical assistance from NESST to develop their businesses, increase the capabilities of internal teams, manage the loan, generate financial statements, and access more traditional capital markets in the medium and long term.
  • The Fund aims to produce an impact significant job creation for 50,000 people from communities most in need in South America over the next five years.
  • It is intended to be invested over the next 1-2 years.

Financing Conditions

  • Investment Size: Loans between USD $50,000 and USD $500,000.
  • Types of financing: Short, medium and long-term working capital; financing of purchase orders; financing for capital expenditures (CAPEX); among other uses (analyzed on a case by case basis).
  • Currency: U.S. dollars. 
  • Deadline: 6 months to 5 years.
  • Warranties: Analyzed on a case by case basis, but will often include inventory, receivables, fixed assets, land.

Business Criteria

  • The Fund will be oriented to companies that have the following characteristics:
  • Annual revenues between USD $150,000 and USD $2,500,000
  • Commercial activities impacting communities of Peru, and/or Colombia.
  • Competent and experienced management team of at least 2 people with experience of working together and with vision of growth. 
  • Company stage: at least 3 years of operational trajectory, which have access to financing limitations, and have the ability to produce basic financial statements to make informed business decisions. 
  • Historical sales that show a positive trend and business model with growth potential.  
  • Contar with financial projections of Financial Statements (State of Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow) by the time the loan is required. 
  • To have achieved the balance point in profitability. 
  • Commitment to social impact: dedicated to combating poverty and exclusion by providing decent employment opportunities for disadvantaged communities (vulnerable women, people with disabilities, at-risk youth, small producers and artisans, etc.). 
  • Social and environmental responsibility.


The Fund grants loans to companies in the following sectors:

  • Agriculture and livestock
  • Fishing
  • Food and beverages
  • Craft
  • Retail trade and services (including tourism)
  • Natural products (for example from biodiversity areas)
  • Tourism
  • Textiles (ethical fashion)
  • Other sectors will be considered on a case by case basis


March 31, 2021
Program dates Mar 31-Jul 31, 2021
Website Visit website
Targets Colombia, Peru
Animal farming, Clothing and textiles, Crop farming, Fish farming, Food and beverage, Retail, Tourism
SDG (2)
1. No Poverty, 2. Zero Hunger
