YPE learning event


2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th July, a four days event that sees MedUP! involved within the YPE project (Youth Participation, Employment and Social Enterprise).
The event covers the annual meeting that commits Oxfam on two main thematic issues: social entrepreneurship and youth employment.
The event is the result of the partnership between two Oxfam projects operating in the MENA Region: Danish-Arab Partnership Program, funded by the Danish Government and MedUP!, funded by the European Union.
The first day, hold in Pistoia, foresees a field trip organized by the local Association “Un raggio di luce” and “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia”.
For the occasion, more participants will have the opportunity to visit local social enterprises and cooperatives. This experience, will offer the chance to have a direct contact with Italian social enterprises, understanding their structure, market, challenges and potentials.
From the second day, the event will be hosted in Florence where there will be hold a number of debates, seminars and conference on social entrepreneurships for youth employment. On the occasion, there will be presented some SEs case studies in the Mediterranean Area.
Moreover, it will be discussed the role of the private sector in the social area, together with other key issues such as social enterprises mentoring, access to finance and policy.

This occasion offers MedUP! and Danish-Arab Partnership Program partners a great opportunity to learn and discuss with its peers and similar realities, and to Oxfam staff, that everyday deals with projects and events strictly related with economic justice issues in the MENA Region.
Finally, participation of external actors from the public and private sector working for the social entrepreneurship promotion as an inclusive growth engine, in Italy and abroad, will be a plus.


Jul 2 - 8:00-Jul 5, 2019 - 17:30
Organizer MedUP!
Firenze, Toscana, Italia
Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, State of, Tunisia
Sectors Sector agnostic

