NÚM3ROS – Curso de Finanzas + Mentorías

Quota for 30 Entrepreneurs of Triple Impact

General Objectives

Provide financial management tools to triple impact entrepreneurs (social, environmental, and economic) to empower their enterprises.

Accompanying your implementation from practice and everyday reality.

At the end of the course you have achieved:

  • Calculate the contribution margins of your products and services.
  • Calculate your fixed costs.
  • Calculate your balance point for different assumptions.
  • Measure the profitability of new products or business units.
  • Design your pricing strategy.
  • Develop your results and wealth balance table.
  • Plan your working capital needs.  
  • Arrange your fund flow and design a financial surplus investment strategy.
  • Design a strategy to finance your expansion. To master the principles for measuring and enhancing profitability.
  • Implement learnings using simple tools for periodic use.

Intensive, practical and participatory methodology:  

  • 7 live virtual meetings of 120 min. It includes 1 group consulting session.
  • 12 exclusive training videos
  • 6 exclusive tools to manage your numbers
  • 3 financial mentorship sessions provided by financial experts
  • Cronogram:

    • On Wednesdays from 10 to 12hs.
    • Starts on March 23, 2022, and ends on May 4.
    • The mentorships will be on Friday, April 8, April 22, and May 6 from 10 to 11hs.  

    Tools to manage your startup’s numbers:  

    During the workshop you will receive no charge these 6 tools that are pre-designed and created exclusively for this occasion

    • A company’s profitability simulator.
    • A multi-product company’s profitability simulator or with multiple business units or channels.
    • Dynamic price positioning map.
    • Comprehensive accounting records system to have all of the info in one place.
    • Template to put together your Weekly Cash Flow and monthly.  

    Who will provide the course?

    Juan Sicardi

    Economist and Coach for Entrepreneurs. Co-Founder of Mayma

    Co-Founder and Director of Contributing to Local Development (www.contribuir.org.ar), an NGO specializing in the design and implementation of local development programs and support for entrepreneurs.  

    He has been Director of the Secretariat of the SME Secretariat in Argentina and was manager of planning and finance in different companies. He was a consultant to the IDB and the World Bank on issues of entrepreneurial development.

    A Bachelor of Economics (UBA) has a Master’s degree in Corporate Finance from Di Tella University and a specialization in finance at the University of Texas (USA). He is a Master of Local Development (UNSAM) and has training in Ontological Coaching. He has been a professor of finance at the ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires), Universidad del Salvador and Universidad de Tres de February of Argentina.

    Co-author of the Manual ” Keys for Entrepreneurs. Basic concepts for planning and developing your project ” published by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (2013). Author of the book “Development of Small Business” edited by Formar and the Municipality of Guayaquil, Ecuador (2004).


    Finance course for entrepreneurs of social, environmental and economic impact.


    • $20,000/total
    • Argentine pesos
    • 10% discount before 24/2
    • Benefit
    • you participate with soci @

    • Includes mentorship in dupla

    Other countries

    • U$D 150 /total
    • U.S. dollars
    • 10% discount Before 24 /2  
    • You can pay in quotas  
    • Benefit if you participate with soci @  
    • Includes mentorship in dupla

    The reason for this course from the purpose of Mayma

    Why is this CURSO?

    According to our experience of 25 years accompanying entrepreneurs, the handling of numbers is one of the weak points for those who are most focused on their socio-environmental impact.

    It is generally an intuitive management that often generates missed opportunities, hidden costs,   lower profitability and

    Entrepreneurs then work a lot and earn little. For all this, it is difficult to overcome the self-employment arena to lead an impact company.


    Most of the triple impact entrepreneurs we have accompanied since Mayma in recent years do not have training in business management.

    It motivates them a strong purpose and, at the same time, they do not know how to create profitable and scalable ventures.

    NÚM3ROS – Curso de Finanzas + Mentorías

    NÚM3ROS – Curso de Finanzas + Mentorías
  • Overview

    February 24, 2022
    Program dates Mar 23-May 4, 2022
    Organizer MAYMA
    Website Visit website
    Africa, Antarctica Region, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Europe, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Northern America, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela
    Sectors Sector agnostic

