Call for projects for inclusive training in Burkina Faso

Call for accelerated training projects for the implementation of qualified training


Sectoral support for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) responds to the need to train and qualify young people in order to strengthen their employability in the short term, a priority issue in Burkina Faso today. Since 2021, more than 30,000 young people have benefited from vocational training.

The BKF026 program contributes to the implementation of APOSE-EFTP under Luxembourg’s cooperation, it helps to strengthen the capacities of the structures responsible for implementing national professional training and integration strategies, in particular the public professional training operator, Burkina Suudu Bawdè (BSB), created in 2023.

This support also concerns the strengthening of the training offer (technical platforms, managerial and pedagogical capacities) of private vocational training centers. In 2023, a call for investment projects made it possible to select 21 projects led by private vocational training centers and establishments, some in consortium with actors from the productive sector.

In order to further improve the vocational training offer and thus strengthen the employability of young people, the BKF026 program, in collaboration with Burkina Suudu Bawdè (BSB), has taken the initiative to set up a call for projects intended to carry out short qualifying and inclusive training courses of 30 to 45 days for the benefit of young people aged 16 to 35 who are unemployed and without qualifications.


The overall aim of this call for projects is to implement a training and integration approach for at least 1,000 young people aged 16-35 with no qualifications, through short, inclusive training courses lasting between 30 and 45 days in fields with high employability potential.


Closes October 10, 2024
Targets Burkina Faso
Sectors Education
SDG (3)
4. Quality Education, 5. Gender Equality, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Duration and scope of the call for projects

The challenge of this call for training projects is to collaborate with training operators engaged in a dynamic of optimal implementation (efficiency and effectiveness) of training actions and support for learners in integration while respecting the implementation deadline, no later than January 31, 2025, sine qua non for the closing of the BKF/026 program.

The implementation approach

The approach consists of developing the skills of young people through work-study or short-term apprenticeship training in target professions, organizing immersion courses and developing mentoring activities to facilitate the professional integration of learners at the end of their training.

The implementation process includes:

  • Technical training in targeted professions or sectors (lasting 30 to 45 days) taking into account green and greening professions;
  • professional immersion in a company (1 month) for all learners at the end of the training in order to allow learners to use the skills acquired in the workplace and create links that could lead to pre-employment internships or jobs (1st integration channel);
  • connecting learners with companies involved in the professions or training sectors carried out, matching, with a view to creating integration opportunities (2nd integration channel);
  • connecting learners with local financing structures in order to facilitate the search for financing for those who choose the path of self-employment or entrepreneurship (3rd integration channel).

Sectors or professions concerned

The sectors or professions concerned are:


Sectors or Professions

Building and Public Works (BTP)

-Solar energy (sizing, installation, maintenance)
-Building electricity (hybrid)


-Ecoconstruction (use of local materials)

-Tiling and making/laying paving stones

-Building plaster

Agri-food processing

-Processing and preservation of tropical products (fruits, vegetables, etc.) and non-wood products (soumbala, spices/broth)
-Processing of local milk (skimmed milk, cheese, yogurt, deguê…)

-Catering (local dishes)


-Bakery/Pastry shop


-Agricultural mechanics (maintenance and repair of motor pumps, tractors, etc.)

-Recycling/recovery of waste

-Aesthetic Hairdressing/Designer

-Glassworks – aluminum

Digital Economy

-Digital marketing (promotion of local products)
-Development of digital products (e-commerce) or digital professions


Available budgets and evaluation indicator

The funds available to subsidize training projects are organized into three (3) windows according to the center’s technical and operational capacities: 

CountersMaximum grant amount (FCFA)Minimum number of young people to be trained
Window 1



Window 2



Window 330,000,000


However, the total cost per learner must include the training component and the integration support component without exceeding a maximum of 250,000 FCFA/learner (both components included). That is, a maximum of 150,000 FCFA for the training component and a maximum of 100,000 FCFA for the integration support component. The overall envelope available for financing the call for projects is 400,000 euros.

Important: Considering that these are non-repayable grants, funding is based on results.. Please note that the key indicator selected is the result achieved in terms of the number of young people actually trained and integrated by the operator. The subsidy is limited to young people who have actually been trained and to the fact that at least 25% of them must be integrated by 30/01/2025.

The indicator may be broken down by module, and/or skill group, subject of the training and by the stage of integration. In other words, the full subsidy will be awarded pro rata to young people who have completed the entire training and integration process proposed, provided that 25% of them are integrated by 30/01/2025.

Depending on the proposed training program, and depending on the operator’s actual capacity, an advance could be granted to the latter to cover the training costs for the following month of implementation. A monthly statement will be established before renewal of the advance. A 10% deduction is taken into account and will be released on 01/30/2025, if the bearer has respected its various commitments.

Example: The Songtaaba center proposed a training and integration objective of 100 young people at a rate of 200,000 FCFA/learner, i.e. a total budget of 20,000,000 FCFA. But at the end of the process, it reached 80 young people trained with a minimum of 25% of young people integrated by 01/30/2025. The payment of the last tranche will apply the pro rata principle, i.e. 80 x 200,000 FCFA (16,000,000 FCFA) by integrating the deductions on the advances received.

Principle of contractualization

The key indicator for assessing the results of this call for projects is based on the number of young people trained and integrated into the workforce on the proposal of the training operator. It is up to the operator to evaluate according to
its capacities, the number of young people it is committed to training and supporting from the available windows (window 1, or window 2, or window 3).

Conditions of eligibility for training operators

To be eligible, applicant operators must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a public or private training center, a professional training establishment, a professional organization, an NGO, an association… involved in professional training and legally recognized;
  • Justify sufficient operating authorizations in Burkina Faso
  • Intervene in the coverage area of ​​the call for projects;
  • Demonstrate proven experience of at least three (3) years in the implementation of work-study or qualifying training by your organization;
  • Provide proof of technical capacity to provide the requested training: having trained on average as many young people as requested in the project per year over the last three (3) years;
  • Provide proof of sufficient financial capacity to manage a grant: demonstrate by means of a bank statement or balance sheet a financial capacity on average at least double the amount of the grant requested over the last 3 years (for example Average annual turnover = 2 X amount of the grant);
  • Provide a proposal for short qualifying training with integration meeting the following requirements:
    • Offer short or work-study qualifying training courses (short dual apprenticeship) for a maximum of 300 hours;
    • Explain the different training modules according to the APC approach;
    • Be able to start training between November 1, 2024 and November 30, 2024
    • Have access to adequate infrastructure and/or technical platforms (depending on the training courses);
    • Mobilize qualified and available trainers during the training implementation period;
    • Commit to using the PERFORM digital platform or another application for program management and beneficiary monitoring;
    • Be able to mobilize local MSMEs and professional organizations involved in the training sectors submitted in the call for projects in order to facilitate support for integration (company immersion internship, matching);
    • Being able to mobilize financing structures to facilitate networking for the financing of projects for young people trained.

Nata Bene: Training projects submitted in consortium are eligible. In particular, public training operators are authorized to go into consortium with professional organizations in compliance with the conditions defined above. The leader of a consortium must meet the various criteria above.

The implementation device

How it works

The overall implementation process is scheduled to be completed by January 31, 2025.The selection process will follow the following steps:

  1. Operationalization of the project submission and processing platform: in collaboration with the VC4A team, the LuxDev team will provide the information necessary for the design and implementation of the platform;
  2. Opening of the call for projects and submission of projects online:Candidates will submit their project proposals via training ticket, on a web platform prepared by LuxDev. The project proposal will include details about the project that will be requested by the platform;
  3. Closing of the call for projects and deadline for receipt of projects:Applicants will have to take into account the deadline allowed for submitting projects on the platform. The deadline is October 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT);
  4. “On the fly” pre-selection:LuxDev (with the support of an external expert) will periodically carry out an objective analysis of the training project applications received until the fund is exhausted, but not later than 10 October 2024. The objective of this step is to evaluate all eligible applications and pre-select the best ones for the next step;
  5. Final selection of training projects and signing of agreements: The selection committee set up will ensure the analysis of the pre-selected files. The selected projects will be subject to the internal procedure for contractualization with the operators. Note however that, if necessary, additional information or rapid verifications of the situation of certain operators will be carried out before contractualization.

More info

Geographical area 

This call for projects concerns training projects initiated by centers located in at least one of the following regions: Center, Centre-Ouest, Boucle du Mouhoun and Haut-Bassins in Burkina Faso.


The final beneficiaries are young men and women aged 16-35 with no professional qualifications. Priority is given to young people aged 16-24. The inclusive approach recommends taking into account gender (gender parity), vulnerable people, internally displaced persons in the targeting process.

Get in touch

For questions, please contact: +226 70152985
