¡Somos la generación género-equitativa!

Win up to US $ 5,000 to get your initiative up and running

“We Are The Gender-Power Generation” is a competition sponsored by PES Latam to provide seed funding to social entrepreneurs who want to implement gender mainstreaming initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Gender mainstreaming means integrating the gender perspective into one’s strategy, organization and operations with the goal of fighting discrimination and promoting gender equality. Do you want to know more about the topic and leave your mark? Take a look at our 9 Ways to Mainstream Gender to learn about the many gender mainstreaming opportunities available to you, and explore the Hall of Fame to read about inspiring initiatives from fellow social entrepreneurs turned Gender Equity Champions.

Who are we looking for?

  • Legally registered social entrepreneurs, who are beyond the proof of concept phase, are already commercially active, and who have a clear plan to mainstream gender considerations into their strategy, operations, products, or organization. You can find examples of relevant, and exciting gender mainstreaming initiatives:

Hall of fame

  • The proposals to mainstream gender that will be funded should be holistic, address gender imbalances in a meaningful way, and result in a clear, measurable impact both in terms of business and social impact benefits.

9 ways to mainstream gender

What is the prize?

  • 3 winners will get funding up to 5’000 USD each
  • We will also connect regularly to support the winners and understand progress

How to apply?

To apply you will need to have an account & venture profile at the ES2-VC4A platform as part of the application process.
Apply here

Want to have a better chance to win the grants?

Take our Gender Mainstreaming Course! A short, engaging, interactive 3-modules course that will guide you throughout the creation of a concrete and successful gender initiative

Start the workshop

Selection process

The applications will be reviewed by a team from PES Latam


  • Application call closes on 31st of December 2021
  • Winners’ announcement on the 31st of January 2022

About us

PES Latam – is a comprehensive program with the mission to accelerate the emergence and growth of social enterprises across Latin America and the Caribbean

ES2 Latam – is a new platform that empowers and connects social entrepreneurs and their ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LeFil Consulting – is a consulting firm specialized in inclusive businesses, which supports entrepreneurs, corporations, and governments to accelerate social innovations for the greater good.


January 1, 2022
Program dates Nov 8-Dec 31, 2021
Organizer Lefil Consulting
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (1)
5. Gender Equality

