Desafío ISA REP

Productive communities

Join the challenge!

How could we develop productive projects that are self-managed by the Huanuco peasant communities to empower themselves in the administration of their resources and improve their economic situation?


For the second consecutive year, ISA REP and Kunan launch an open innovation challenge, seeking to finance and execute solutions to the company’s sustainability challenges. This year the challenge is called Productive Communities, and will focus on the empowerment of the neighboring communities to the future High Tension Towers and Associated Substations of ISA REP in Huanuco.

The challenge is to provide an alternative solution that aims to develop productive projects that are self-managed by the Huanuco peasant communities, promoting their empowerment in the administration of their resources and, in that way, achieving their economic situation.

The finalists will be able to take a trip of recognition to the intervention zone to make final adjustments to their solution proposals, which should consider two stages: implementation and operation.

For more information on the communities of San Sebastian and Cahuac, review the following links:


August 28, 2020
Program dates Aug 30-Sep 30, 2020
Organizer Kunan
Website Visit website
Targets Peru
Agribusiness, Agritech, Business services, Clean technology and energy, Construction, EdTech, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, HealthTech, Water, sanitation and hygiene
