Innovation Challenge

Calls for Sustainable Chemistry Innovations


The annual ISC3 Innovation Challenge is thematically oriented along a once-per-year selected focus topic. Start-ups globally are invited to contend for a total of 25,000 EUR in prize money with their innovative ideas that are revolving around the ongoing year’s focus topic.

They are assessed by a jury of international experts who score the Start-ups and choose the finalists. The finalists’ pitches and the award ceremony take place in autumn/winter.

The winners are awarded money prizes in three categories:

  • Best Social Impact for Start-ups that have a noteworthy impact on their community.
  • Best Regional Impact for Start-ups with an innovative solution to solving an issue that is particularly relevant to their region.
  • The overall Winner of our Innovation Challenge.

All the finalists receive a customized support of the ISC3 Global Start-up Service in form of pitch trainings and have the possibility to be featured as Start-up of the Month.

ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2023 – Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture

The ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2023 has the topic “Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture”

We are looking for Innovators and their Sustainable Chemistry solutions that benefit Agriculture! You are adressing this topic with your Start-up? Then apply for the next ISC3 Innovation Challenge and fill out the application form below.


The current fourth Innovation Challenge addresses innovators developing solutions in the field of Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture with the following subtopics:

  • Fertilizers: efficient use of organic and inorganic fertilizers; avoidance of over-fertilization with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus; supply and use of alternative fertilizers and further solutions for replenishing soil fertility and maintaining or re-establishing soil health (incl. CO2 sequestration)
  • Nutrient recovery in soil, plants, feedstocks, products, etc. (such as secondary nutrients in plants, e.g.)
  • Precision farming: use of digitalisation and automation for resource efficient farming; point application of fertilizers, pesticides, and water
  • Crop protection: production and use of natural biocides /biopesticides; benign substitutes for pesticides; biocide leasing as business model
  • Water: Intelligent water supply; water harvesting, avoidance of water contamination with fertilizers
  • Renewable energy and agriculture: use for desalination to provide fresh water; ammonia synthesis with green hydrogen
  • Valorisation of agricultural waste: circularity approaches in agriculture
  • Shelf-life extension solutions for fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc.
  • Solutions fostering reduced externalized costs (biodiversity loss, drinking water pollution, soil compaction, erosion, etc.)

Innovations targeting the development of genetically modified seeds, GMO crops etc. are explicitly excluded from the scope of this challenge.

Submission of proposals

The submission of proposals will follow a 2-stage procedure. First stage submissions include an online template which asks for a brief description of the innovation, the business perspectives and the innovators team. Eligible submissions will be invited to the second stage, in which more detailed information must be provided.

Eligible participants

  • Eligible are all innovators and entrepreneurs, i.e., persons owning or representing the proposed innovation, employed by organizations including research institutes, start-ups, small-medium sized enterprises, or comparable institutions active in the development and realization of sustainable chemistry solutions.
  • Enterprises participating in the challenge shall have a staff headcount not exceeding 50 (full time equivalent) and an annual turnover of max. 10 million Euro.
  • Enterprises majority-owned by large enterprises are not eligible for the award, except for innovations leading to the creation of independent spin-offs.
  • Proposals submitted by innovators and entrepreneurs from developing countries and tackling challenges in developing countries are considered as particularly important.
  • Female entrepreneurs are specifically encouraged to submit a proposal.

The proposals will be assessed against the three main criteria:

  • Innovation level. Is the innovation unique, distinct, and truly original?
  • Business viability. What is the market potential of the innovation?
    • Is the idea commercially feasible?
  • Sustainability. What is the sustainability impact of the innovation?

What to expect?

Five finalists will receive:

  • Tailored support: access to Global Start-up Service Customised Support
  • Visibility: promotion of your innovation via ISC3 communication channels
  • Cash prizes: the overall Innovation Challenge Winner will receive a cash prize of 15,000 EUR.
  • The two separate categories “Best Social Impact” and “Best Regional Impact” are endowed with cash prizes amounting to 5,000 EUR each.


  • Launch of the new 2023 Innovation Challenge: December 15th, 2022
  • Deadline for first stage submission: April 3rd, 2023, 23:59:59 CEST
  • Deadline for second stage submission: May 31st, 2023, 23:59:59 CEST
  • Jury Evaluation: June 1st – July 9th, 2023
  • Finalist announcements: after July 15th, 2023
  • Finalist pitch training: September 2023
  • Innovation Challenge Award Ceremony: scheduled for autumn/winter 2023, date and location of the venue will be announced via our website.


April 3, 2023
OrganizerInternational Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre
Website Visit website
Africa, Americas, Antarctica Region, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Micronesia
Agribusiness, Crop farming, Renewable energy, Waste management and recycling, Water storage, Water treatment, Water utilities
