Invest in Africa Summit

Invest in Africa Summit

Invest in Africa gathers 1000-plus key economic players such as government delegations and policy makers, high-profile African leaders, project developers, investors, and entrepreneurs.

The 2-days event provides a unique platform to gain strategic knowledge about African investment opportunities and business networking.

The convention will cover economic sectors such as Agribusiness, Technology, Renewable Energy and Mining.

High-potential projects in Africa will be presented to international investors. Featured agenda items will include projects showcase, capacity building workshops deal marketplace, exhibition, country presentations, and among others.


Website Visit website
Location Johan de Wittlaan, The Hague, Netherlands
Africa, Americas, Antarctica Region, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Micronesia
Agritech, Clean technology and energy, Financial services, Fintech, Investment management, Renewable energy
SDG (4)
13. Climate Action, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 7. Affordable and Clean Energy, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

