F*ck Up Nights El Alto

Edition on fire

About F*ckup Nights

F*ckup Nights is a global movement born in Mexico in 2012 to share stories of business failure so that they serve as inspiration and learning to others. It is present in more than 350 cities around the world.  

About the event

The Institute of Women and Enterprise (IME Bolivia) is a franchisee of these events for the cities of Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. Many people connect to hear the failures of 3 entrepreneurs. Each speaker has 7 to 10 minutes to tell their story. After each presentation there is a question and answer session.

This Edition is titled: “Kitchen on Fire”, so we invite all fans from the culinary realm to register to enjoy an unrivalled day with 5 speakers that will leave you surprised with their stories of  <span style="font-size: 16px; text-align: justify; color:   and how they managed to get ahead after burning their dishes.

When it will take place

F*ckup Nights-El Alto will be held on Wednesday 7 December at 18:00 p.m at the Café Typica   of the Satelite City (  El Alto), Plan 482, Calle 20, José A. Arce 1709.

F*ck Up Nights El Alto

F*ck Up Nights El Alto


Dec 7, 2022 (18:00-20:00)
Organizer Instituto de la Mujer y Empresa
Website Visit website
Targets Bolivia
Sectors Sector agnostic
