This call for proposals is part of the French Embassy’s broader project ‘Innov4good’; it specifically addresses local governance, transparency and accountability issues and is intended solely for non-profit organisations.
There will be a separate call for proposals for social enterprises and socio-economic innovation.
The Embassy of France in South Africa and Malawi is inviting proposals for the implementation of an innovative project that seeks to promote governance, transparency and accountability.
Hypothetical examples of projects that might use an innovative approach to improve local governance could seek to enhance citizen participation, digital inclusion, or the transparency of public decision-making and publicly-funded projects. Such projects might address specific challenges – for example water management, waste management, disaster management – and/or multiple/cross-cutting issues such as various local government plans and budgets.
The project is to be implemented from 2024 to 2025.
Objective and priorities
The overall aim of the project is to enhance the use of innovation to foster governance, transparency and accountability at local government level.
Projects proposed must:
– focus on an area of intervention in which better governance, transparency, accountability are needed;
In their proposal, applicants shall motivate the choice of area of intervention, taking into account other ongoing or planned interventions under the Open Government Partnership
– use an innovative approach;
Applicants shall explain how the proposed innovative approach is well-suited to local governance, transparency and accountability matters.
– foster buy-in/collaboration from municipal level (possibly even provincial and/or national levels where possible/appropriate);
Applicants shall describe their experience in respect of stakeholder inclusion and ability to interact fruitfully with government.
– have the ability and willingness to share expertise and best practices with various stakeholders within the Open Government Partnership as well as publicly (e.g. roundtables)
Applicants shall be available to engage with various stakeholders during activities and events during the course of the project.
The following cross-cutting dimensions must be included in various aspects of the project, namely in the design, implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation thereof:
–gender equality: Projects demonstrating a gender-sensitive approach will be reviewed favourably.
– meaningful participation: Projects with inclusionary approaches to ensure the participation a variety of stakeholders will be reviewed favourably.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants shall meet the following criteria:
- be a legal entity registered in South Africa or in Malawi (depending on the location of the project);
- be a non-profit organisation (e.g. non-governmental organisation, community-based organisation, citizens’ movement, development agency, trade union etc.).
- have proven experience in and operational capacity to carry out the planned activities;
- be directly responsible for the planning and implementation of activities, and not be acting solely as an intermediary.
- Proposals by a consortium of two or more applicants are eligible for consideration.
Duration: 18 months (2024 – 2025)
Location: South Africa and/or Malawi
Sector / theme: Governance, Accountability, Transparency
Types of activities:
Eligible activities include (non-exhaustive):
awareness-raising, development of digital tools/software, meetings, workshops, seminars, research, study tours, report writing, development of educational or communication material.
Ineligible activities:
- Activities concerned only or mainly with sponsorships for individuals’ participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses;
- Activities concerned only or mainly with scholarships for individuals’ studies or training courses;
- Activities concerned only or mainly with procurement of equipment;
- Activities concerned only with one-off conferences. Conferences can only be funded if they form part of a wider range of activities in the project (preparatory activities for a conference and the publication of the proceedings of the conference do not, in themselves, constitute such “wider activities”);
- Activities which discriminate against individuals or groups of people on the grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof, or their ethnic origin;
- Activities including proselytism;
- Activities supporting political parties;
- Activities inciting and/or resorting to violence.
Eligible costs:
The percentage of the cost of staff assigned to the project, corresponding to actual gross salaries including social security charges and other remuneration-related costs;
Travel and subsistence costs for staff and other persons taking part in the project;
Any reasonable flat-rate reimbursement of subsistence costs;
Purchase or rental costs for equipment and supplies (new or used), specifically for the purposes of the project, and costs of services, provided they correspond to market rates;
Cost of consumables necessary for the project;
Reasonable sub-contracting expenditure;
Costs deriving directly from the requirements of the project (dissemination of information, translation, reproduction etc.);
Project-relevant financial services costs and as well as office running costs
Ineligible costs:
Debts and provision for losses from debts;
Interest owed;
Items already funded under another project (double-dipping);
Purchases of land or buildings;
Third party credits.
Size of funding and countries covered
The total maximum amount of project funding is EUR 33,000.
Your project proposal may cover
South Africa only OR
Malawi only OR
South Africa and Malawi (in which case solid project experience in both countries is necessary)
NOTE: Covering one country (as opposed to both) will not be prejudicial to your application.
How to apply
Further information about the project may be obtained from the French Embassy. Requests should be addressed by email to by Monday the 22nd of July 2024.
Applications shall include the following documents:
Project narrative proposal, using this template : RfP_template_Innov-Good final
- Applicants are invited to highlight the following:
- Experience/skills in terms of governance, transparency and accountability
- Experience/skills in terms of facilitating multi-stakeholder engagement (e.g. community, local government, private sector etc.)
- Capacity to operate in the relevant country/countries, namely South Africa and/or – Malawi
- Impact achieved in past projects
Project budget proposal, using this template : RfP _ Innov4Good Budget Template
Applications shall be submitted by email to with the following subject-line: “Innov4Good – governance – [name of Applicant]”
The deadline for applications is Friday the 26th July 2024.
Based on the proposals received, the Embassy of France will engage with short-listed applicants to discuss their technical and financial proposals further. The Embassy reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to cancel the selection process and reject all proposals at any time, without incurring any liability toward the applicants.
Funding award criteria
Description | Weight | |
a | Relevance of the proposed activities | 10 |
b | Robustness of project design and proposed methodology | 15 |
c | Experience in terms of use of innovative tools | 10 |
d | Experience/competence in terms of transparency and accountability | 10 |
e | Experience in terms of facilitating multi-stakeholder engagement | 5 |
f | Project-management excellence: ability to adhere to strict timelines, ability to manage funds judiciously in line with French government accounting guidelines | 5 |
g | Ability to achieve impact | 5 |
Total | 60 |
Organizer | Institut Francais – South Africa |
Website | Visit website |
Targets | Malawi, South Africa |
Sectors |
Community water systems, Waste management and recycling, Water utilities, Water, sanitation and hygiene