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Fund developed to identify & support innovative Inclusive Business ideas
Innovations Against Poverty is a specialized fund that challenges the private sector to develop products, services and business models that contribute to the fight against poverty and climate protection. Through our financial and non-financial services, IAP supports innovative inclusive business models that deliver commercial benefits for the private sector and developmental benefits for the low-income population, while paying specific attention to gender equality and environmental sustainability.
The program is designed for companies that are based, or operate in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Zambia and are active in the following target sectors: Agriculture, Energy, Water, WASH and ICT. The fund had a first round of applicants in 2017 and is now managing a portfolio of investment-ready businesses seeking to scale. A second round was held in 2020, with new businesses to be added to the portfolio in 2021.
IAP is funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Agency) and managed by SNV in partnership with Inclusive Business Sweden and Bopinc.
by Innovations Against Poverty
Identifying & supporting innovative Inclusive Business ideas