We catalyse social change


” We are a multiplier of social actions. We accompany high impact community initiatives and strengthen recent civil society organisations to contribute to the development of a stronger organised civil society that will impact the lives of more people.​’

Who we are

Incuba NGO is a non-profit organization

Our mission is to drive high-impact community initiatives

through the strengthening and sustainability of collective and newly created collectives and organizations.


  • Strengthening organizations ‘ capabilities to enhance their impact and ensure their sustainability.
  • Driving high impact community initiatives.
  • Promoting the culture of donation to local and newly formed organizations.

Intervention Strategies

We work to break down the barriers that impede the development and sustainability of community-based collectives and organizations, through three intervention strategies: Incubator of Organizations, Project Hosting, and Seed Network. With these, we seek to strengthen and foster funding networks that enable them to thrive and have a real and sustainable impact on the communities they work with.

Incubator of organizations​

Incubation of organizations is an accompanying process for collectives seeking to formalize and newly created associations. The program consists of a year of training and counseling, where the organizations are provided with practical institutional development tools, for the scope of their objectives and their sustainability.

Hosting of projects

How to finance a social movement?

What does it mean to be an unconstituted organization and to want to generate a social impact?

With the hosting program we seek to share the institutional structure necessary for the collectives to implement their initiatives, through the reception of funding, administration of the resources and processes of planning, monitoring and evaluation. It is based on the U.S. model of “fiscal sponsorship,” which serves to host specific projects that may or may not culminate in the formation of an organization.

Red Seed​

Through the initiative of Red Semilla, we connect investors, companies and foundations, with newly created organizations. Thus, we allow those who seek to support the social impact to contribute to the strengthening and sustainability of skilled and high-impact organizations.




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Targets Mexico
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (1)
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

