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Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Impact
We are a platform for impact acceleration.
We were the growth and escalation of economic, social and environmental impact enterprises, as well as the adoption of innovation with impact on companies, investors, universities, governments and multilateral organizations.
Only 2 every 10 startups survive 5 years of the “valley of death” (Gompers and Lerner, 2002)
The percentage of Early stage ventures that raise funds and scale in the region. (LAVCA, 2020)
There is a separation between the thinking and codes of the business world and the social impact ecosystem in Latin America.
by Impactlatam
Develops purpose, measures and manages the economic, social and environmental impact
We empower and accelerate impact ventures
Aprende, genera redes y desarrolla un proyecto de impacto
¡Atención emprendimientos de impacto!
L@s invitam@s a conocer IMPACTLATAM, una plataforma de #aceleración para #emprendimientos de impacto en #Latinoamérica.
🌎 Sumate a la comunidad de emprendedores de impacto que está cambiando la región.
🚀 Hacé crecer y escalar tu a través de contenidos, beneficios, servicios customizados y programas de aceleración.
💡 Incorporá innovación con impacto desde tu rol en empresa, gobierno y academia.