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Our growing network in Latin America includes 13 Impact Centers with over 1000 entrepreneurs and member organizations in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. Impact Hub is making a focused effort in 2016-20178 to expand and strengthen our network in Latin American countries.
The goal is to launch from 4 to 8 new Impact Hubs in 2016-2018 and develop partnerships that strengthen the value that these Hubs add to their entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems.
Our goal is to develop 4 to 8 new and vibrant Impact Hub that understand communities, spaces and programs that contribute to the development of ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation of impact in Latin America.
In the year 2017 they have been Impact Hubs in El Salvador and Costa Rica, and we are supporting teams developing new Impact Hubs in Buenos Aires-Argentina, Barranquilla-Colombia, Port-au-Prince-Haiti, Tegucigalpa-Honduras, and Managua-Nicaragua between the second half of 2017 and the first half of 2018.
We are also open to new applications from key countries for our network, such as Peru, Ecuador, Panama and Chile. If you are interested in creating a new Impact Hub get all the information you need by subscribing to and setting up a call with our Latin American Network Development Manager Vladimir Olarte at:
Each new local Impact is developed and owned by a local team and is deeply rooted in the market and the local community. External support is offered through a thorough process of incorporation based on peer review and peer support, which allows key practices, experiences and programs to be transferred from the global network to new teams.
Our Impact Hub in Latin America makes up a global network of communities, spaces and business programs that inspire, connect and enable entrepreneurship and impact.
What started as a single Hub in Latin America. London in 2005 has evolved into a global network of people who act with one purpose: the impact. Enter any of our Impact Hubs around the world and experience a unique combination of people, spaces and programs that inspire and empower people to realize entrepreneurial ideas for a sustainable impact.
Although each local Impact Hub has its own unique community, the Impact Makers around the world meet on a global scale to share stories, aspirations and achievements that celebrate our collective impact.
by IMPACT HUB – Latin America
International Certificate in Sustainable Entrepreneurship from IMPACT HUB Latam
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