MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge 2019

MIT awards $1.6 million to organisations revolutionising the future of work


The IIC awards over one million dollars in prizes to future of work entrepreneurs in four categories that holistically represent the solution types necessary to build an economy that works for all in the digital era.


Skills Development & Opportunity Matching
How do we skill workers and provide pathways to the work opportunities of the future?
How do we better connect workers and employers?

Income Growth & Job Creation
How do we ensure that workers earn sufficient and growing incomes to achieve satisfactory quality of life and living standards?
How do we reimagine struggling industries and create new opportunities for work?

Technology Access
How do we connect more people with internet and technology access, regardless of age, location, education, or ability?

Financial Inclusion
How do we ensure financial security and stability for more people?
How do we enable more people to access the benefits of financial services?


MIT seeks startups and entrepreneurial organizations of any age, size, or type (for-profit or non-profit), located anywhere in the world that are creating economic opportunity for moderate and low income earners.

  • Does your organization’s use of technology substantially improve economic prosperity for working people?
  • Is your organization beyond the “idea phase,” already impacting and enhancing shared prosperity right now?
  • Will your organization’s solution impact more people and increase in effectiveness over time?

If the answer to all of the above is yes than MIT wants you to apply!


All valid applications are reviewed by Judges in their respective region, and the top-scoring 60 Regional Finalists proceed to regional celebrations, where they pitch their solutions to a live audience.

Twenty Regional Winners are chosen by a Selection Panel of regional leaders at the five regional events (four winners from each region). These 20 organizations then proceed to the Global Grand Prize Gala at MIT in Cambridge, MA on November 21. The Global Champion Committee selects the four Grand Prize Winners, each receiving $250,000.

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MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge 2019

MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge 2019


May 15, 2019
Program dates May 16, 2019 (9:00)
OrganizerMIT IIC
Website Visit website
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic