Female Entrepreneurs In Action – Webinar

Discussing inclusivity and celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week

The term Female Entrepreneur has grown popular in the ecosystem lately, especially in MENA. But to reach inclusivity, it demands an open-minded discussion and constructive actions.

Join us in our upcoming webinar Female Entrepreneurs in Action; a part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week events in Egypt, where female entrepreneurs talk about their experience and success in shaping the ecosystem and social views of a Female-Led Business.

You can register for this free webinar and tune your calendar for the fireside chat which will include the following topics:

  1. Defining the entrepreneur.
  2. Challenges that face female entrepreneurs in MENA (Specially Egypt).
  3. Networking hardship and social-business relationships.
  4. How to achieve work-life-balance.

The session is moderated by Sherwet Ahmed | Program Coordinator – Oxfam

Taking the discussion forward with:
1. Nada Rady, Founder of OZY Adventures, a Travel Experience Startup (Startups of Alex Spring 2021 graduate).
2. Samaa Fawaz, Founder of Innova Kits, an innovative Learning Kits Startup (Startups of Alex Fall 2021 incubated).

This session is implemented and powered by IceAlexandria and Startups of Alex. In collaboration with GEN Egypt and in partnership with OXFAM and Work in Progress! Alliance


Nov 16, 2021 (18:00-21:00)
Organizer icealex
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic
