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Shelter Tech Kenya, a first of its kind in Africa, is a six-month milestone-based accelerator program supporting early stage businesses and scale-ups in the affordable housing sector covering: renewable energy, waste management, housing & construction technologies and products and water & sanitation. The program, which is supported by Habitat for Humanity International’s Terwilliger Centre for Innovation in Shelter and implemented by BDO EA and Pangea Accelerator is organizing a startup competition in partnership with iBiz Africa which aims to support disruptive innovation and provide a platform for growth in the urban tech space as part of the Nairobi Innovation Week.
ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to Startups focusing on renewable energy, waste management, housing, construction technologies & products, water & sanitation, mobility and other sectors relevant for urban living. The competition is applicable to persons living and working in Kenya only.
TIMING: The Competition begins on Wednesday May 8th, 2019 and ends at 11:59:59 PM EAT onSunday, June 2nd, 2019. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: All Competition applicants must fill out the online form describing their startup along with a (2) two-minute video. Entry must adhere to the entry requirements as defined below. Participation is free of charge.Video submissions (which is optional) should cover the following points:
Participant must solve an issue focusing on renewable energy, waste management, housing, construction technologies & products, water & sanitation, mobility and other sectors relevant for urban living.
Video must not exceed two (2) minutes in length. The video is optional.
COMMUNICATION TO APPLICANTS: Communication to shortlisted applicants will be done via Email.
WINNER NOTIFICATION: The Competition Winners will be notified on Tuesday, June 11th 2019 at the Nairobi Innovation Week Event.
There is six(6) Grand Prize Winner consisting of:
All paid opportunity to travel and pitch at Oslo Innovation Week