
Giving small businesses in Africa a great chance at success!


@iBizAfrica seeks to provide a nur­tur­ing envir­on­ment that builds on the poten­tial of the youth to develop ICT solu­tions and busi­nesses that work for the com­mon good in soci­ety. We focus on the fol­low­ing areas:

  1. Fos­ter­ing an envir­on­ment for entre­pren­eurs to develop, nur­ture and exchange their innov­at­ive ideas.
  2.  Provid­ing ment­or­ing and ser­vices to start-​up com­pan­ies such as seed cap­ital, legal advice, fin­an­cial expert­ise, rel­ev­ant train­ing and phys­ical resources. 
  3. Provid­ing Busi­ness Incub­a­tion facil­it­ies and estab­lish link­ages with other incub­a­tion centres in the coun­try and around the world. 
  4. For­ging industry part­ner­ships. 
  5. Act­ing as a focal point for investors (VCs, angel investors, private equity groups and banks) to engage poten­tial tech­no­logy entrepreneurs


Website Visit website
Location Strathmore University Chapel, Keri Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Targets Kenya
Agribusiness, Computer software, E-commerce, EdTech, Education, Financial services, HealthTech, Internet, Mobile, Transport and logistics



