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2-day intensive scale-up workshop
Following the success of its maiden YES boot camp in Lagos in 2017, HYBR is set to launch its second Young Enterprise ScaleUp (YES) bootcamp. The 2018 bootcamps are scheduled to take place in four cosmopolitan cities across Africa; Lagos, Nairobi, Johannesburg and Cape Town through the month of June 2018.
Only about 0.5% of startups scale; those that do that are very different from the start. 86% of startups die by their fifth year. Meanwhile, Scale-ups contribute meaningful social and economic value in the markets they operate in. They create jobs and improve household incomes.
In our bold pursuit to help create more scale-ups in Africa, we have designed the Young Enterprise Scale Up (YES) program in partnership with THNK School of Creative Leadership, Scale Up Nation, Samsung, Deloitte, VC4A amongst other partners . The YES Program is a five-year venture support and growth acceleration program to enable participating ventures scale up. It starts with a two-day intensive YES bootcamp in which thirty (30) ventures from each host city will design their companies for scale using practical tools and concepts.
We invite all ambitious SMEs and ventures to apply for the bootcamp, download our free e-book on scaling your business and receive other perks from our partners.
The YES Bootcamp is curated with a world-class curriculum and learning experience to uplift the perspective of the participants about the possibilities of scaling their businesses. It is focused on blended learning provided by experienced leaders. It consists of concepts, practical workshops, assessments, guest symposiums, and so on. Our approach is for all participants to learn by doing.
Core Curriculum : Designing for Scale
We will teach and use the THNK Venture Design elements to identify scale-up areas each participating company will focus on. By discussing and working on these interrelated elements such as the What, How, Who and Why, participants are able to demystify what it takes for them to scale. Clarity of purpose and strategy is accomplished.
Industry Technology Showcase:
We are working with various partners who play significant roles in various industries. The Industry Technology sessions bring these experts to discuss the dynamics of their industry and how best bootcamp participants can navigate and win in these industries. Solution Demo Desks will also be available for participants to try out cool tools and solutions from our partners.
Guest Symposium:
Let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth! We will have a fireside chat with an entrepreneur who successfully scaled his/her business from scratch. Participants will be free to ask any questions on their minds, especially about the struggles they face day-to-day and how they can be overcome.
Corporate Cocktail:
We will have an informal cocktail that brings together about 150 people (participants, partners, supporters, mentors, leaders, etc.) to network and experience a wonderful evening. We have some side attractions, so stay tuned!
“It is a totally different approach… if you are in business, no matter the stage it is at, you need to come here. It changes the way you approach your business. It enables you build your business in a way that is sustainable and survives you.”
Ifeoma Okafor | CEO, Brains and Brawn | 2017 YES Bootcamp Participant
“We are delighted to leverage our creative leadership curriculum– especially the venture design framework which is used by thousands of practitioners in over 50 countries– to empower Africa’s emerging business leaders to construct their ventures for scale.”
Femke Bartels | Global Managing Director | THNK School of Creative Leadership | Amsterdam, Netherlands
Are you an entrepreneur building your company or startup? Do you have the ambition to grow your business into a successful company but sometimes struggle with the issues of scaling your business?
Do you feel you really need to:
If your answers to the above questions are ‘YES’, Apply Now!
You will be required to fill out a short form to enable us acquire some information on your company which will be used to qualify you for the boot camp. Candidate selection is based on our outside-in assessment of industry fit, development stage, scale-up potential and the qualities of the founders and management team.
We have extended application close date to 12 midnight, April 7th 2018.
Successful Candidates will be informed by May 15, 2018. The YES Bootcamp is entirely FREE. This is a non-resident program and participants are expected to transport themselves to and from the venue each day.